A loader for MMD resources.
[name] creates Three.js Objects from MMD resources as PMD, PMX, VMD, and VPD files.
See [page:MMDAnimationHelper] for MMD animation handling as IK, Grant, and Physics.
If you want raw content of MMD resources, use .loadPMD/PMX/VMD/VPD methods.
// Instantiate a loader
const loader = new MMDLoader();
// Load a MMD model
// path to PMD/PMX file
// called when the resource is loaded
function ( mesh ) {
scene.add( mesh );
// called when loading is in progresses
function ( xhr ) {
console.log( ( xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100 ) + '% loaded' );
// called when loading has errors
function ( error ) {
console.log( 'An error happened' );
[page:LoadingManager manager] — The [page:LoadingManager loadingManager] for the loader to use. Default is [page:LoadingManager THREE.DefaultLoadingManager].
Creates a new [name].
See the base [page:Loader] class for common properties.
See the base [page:Loader] class for common methods.
[page:String url] — A string containing the path/URL of the .pmd or .pmx file.
[page:Function onLoad] — A function to be called after the loading is successfully completed.
[page:Function onProgress] — (optional) A function to be called while the loading is in progress. The argument will be the XMLHttpRequest instance, that contains .[page:Integer total] and .[page:Integer loaded] bytes. If the server does not set the Content-Length header; .[page:Integer total] will be 0.
[page:Function onError] — (optional) A function to be called if an error occurs during loading. The function receives error as an argument.
Begin loading PMD/PMX model file from url and fire the callback function with the parsed [page:SkinnedMesh] containing [page:BufferGeometry] and an array of [page:MeshToonMaterial].
[page:String url] — A string or an array of string containing the path/URL of the .vmd file(s).If two or more files are specified, they'll be merged.
[page:Object3D object] — [page:SkinnedMesh] or [page:Camera]. Clip and its tracks will be fitting to this object.
[page:Function onLoad] — A function to be called after the loading is successfully completed.
[page:Function onProgress] — (optional) A function to be called while the loading is in progress. The argument will be the XMLHttpRequest instance, that contains .[page:Integer total] and .[page:Integer loaded] bytes.
[page:Function onError] — (optional) A function to be called if an error occurs during loading. The function receives error as an argument.
Begin loading VMD motion file(s) from url(s) and fire the callback function with the parsed [page:AnimationClip].
[page:String modelUrl] — A string containing the path/URL of the .pmd or .pmx file.
[page:String vmdUrl] — A string or an array of string containing the path/URL of the .vmd file(s).
[page:Function onLoad] — A function to be called after the loading is successfully completed.
[page:Function onProgress] — (optional) A function to be called while the loading is in progress. The argument will be the XMLHttpRequest instance, that contains .[page:Integer total] and .[page:Integer loaded] bytes.
[page:Function onError] — (optional) A function to be called if an error occurs during loading. The function receives error as an argument.
Begin loading PMD/PMX model file and VMD motion file(s) from urls and fire the callback function with an [page:Object] containing parsed [page:SkinnedMesh] and [page:AnimationClip] fitting to the [page:SkinnedMesh].
[page:String animationPath] — Base path for loading animation data (VMD/VPD files).
Set the base path for additional resources like textures.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/jsm/loaders/MMDLoader.js examples/jsm/loaders/MMDLoader.js]