[page:Object3D] →


This helper displays the directional cone of a [page:PositionalAudio].

Code Example

const positionalAudio = new THREE.PositionalAudio( listener ); positionalAudio.setDirectionalCone( 180, 230, 0.1 ); const helper = new PositionalAudioHelper( positionalAudio ); positionalAudio.add( helper );


[example:webaudio_orientation webaudio / orientation ]


[name]( [param:PositionalAudio audio], [param:Number range] )

[page:PositionalAudio audio] -- The [page:PositionalAudio] to be visualized.

[page:Number range] -- (optional) The range of the directional cone.

[page:Number divisionsInnerAngle] -- (optional) The amount of divisions of the inner part of the directional cone.

[page:Number divisionsOuterAngle] -- (optional) The amount of divisions of the outer part of the directional cone.


See the base [page:Object3D] class for common properties.

[property:PositionalAudio audio]

[page:PositionalAudio] to be visualized.

[property:Number range]

The range of the directional cone.

[property:Number divisionsInnerAngle]

The amount of divisions of the inner part of the directional cone.

[property:Number divisionsOuterAngle]

The amount of divisions of the outer part of the directional cone.


See the base [page:Object3D] class for common methods.

[method:undefined dispose]()

Disposes of the helper.

[method:undefined update]()

Updates the helper.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/jsm/helpers/PositionalAudioHelper.js examples/jsm/helpers/PositionalAudioHelper.js]