An abstract base class extending [page:Curve]. A CurvePath is simply an array of connected curves, but retains the api of a curve.
The constructor take no parameters.
See the base [page:Curve] class for common properties.
The array of [page:Curve Curves].
Whether or not to automatically close the path.
See the base [page:Curve] class for common methods.
Add a curve to the [page:.curves] array.
Adds a [page:LineCurve lineCurve] to close the path.
Get list of cumulative curve lengths of the curves in the [page:.curves] array.
divisions -- number of pieces to divide the curve into. Default is *12*.
Returns an array of points representing a sequence of curves. The *division* parameter defines
the number of pieces each curve is divided into. However, for optimization and quality purposes,
the actual sampling resolution for each curve depends on its type. For example, for a [page:LineCurve],
the returned number of points is always just 2.
divisions -- number of pieces to divide the curve into. Default is *40*.
Returns a set of divisions + 1 equi-spaced points using getPointAt( u ).
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]