The [name] represents a virtual [link: listener] of the all positional and non-positional audio effects in the scene.
A three.js application usually creates a single instance of [name]. It is a mandatory construtor parameter for audios entities like [page:Audio Audio] and [page:PositionalAudio PositionalAudio].
In most cases, the listener object is a child of the camera. So the 3D transformation of the camera represents the 3D transformation of the listener.
// create an AudioListener and add it to the camera
const listener = new THREE.AudioListener();
camera.add( listener );
// create a global audio source
const sound = new THREE.Audio( listener );
// load a sound and set it as the Audio object's buffer
const audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();
audioLoader.load( 'sounds/ambient.ogg', function( buffer ) {
sound.setBuffer( buffer );
[example:webaudio_sandbox webaudio / sandbox ]
[example:webaudio_timing webaudio / timing ]
[example:webaudio_visualizer webaudio / visualizer ]
Create a new AudioListener.
The [link: AudioContext] of the [page:AudioListener listener] given in the constructor.
A [link: GainNode] created using [link: AudioContext.createGain]().
Default is *null*.
Time delta value for audio entities. Use in context of [link: AudioParam.linearRampToValueAtTimeDefault](). Default is *0*.
Return the [page:AudioListener.gain gainNode].
Set the [page:AudioListener.filter filter] property to *null*.
Returns the value of the [page:AudioListener.filter filter] property.
Set the [page:AudioListener.filter filter] property to *value*.
Return the volume.
Set the volume.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]